What is CooLifting Facial Treatment?

women undergoing coolifting facial treatment

If you're looking for a facial treatment that can help you achieve your skin goals without invasive procedures or downtime, the CooLifting Facial Treatment may be right for you. 

At SkinPlus MedSpa, we are proud to offer the CooLifting Facial Treatment, a revolutionary non-surgical solution for skin rejuvenation. This cutting-edge facial treatment uses a combination of CO2 and a proprietary blend of serums to stimulate collagen production and improve skin texture, tone, and firmness. 

CooLifting Treatment: What Is It?

The CooLifting Treatment is a safe and effective option for people of all skin types who want to achieve a more youthful look.

During the treatment, a specialized machine is used to deliver the CO2 and serum mixture to the skin's surface. The result is an instant lifting effect that can last for several days. 

Over time, the treatment reduces the appearance of fine lines and deep wrinkles, encourages skin hydration, and promotes a brighter, more even complexion.


The Benefits of CooLifting Treatment

At SkinPlus MedSpa, we offer the CooLifting Facial Treatment, a non-invasive facial rejuvenating solution for achieving smoother, firmer, and more youthful-looking skin. Here are some of the benefits you can expect from this treatment:

  1. Attenuates fine wrinkle lines: The CooLifting Facial Treatment targets specific areas of the face to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It uses a unique combination of CO2 and a proprietary hyaluronate facial solution and botanical extracts to stimulate collagen production, which helps to restore hydration as well as plump and firm the skin.

  2. Improves skin texture: By targeting the deeper layers of the skin, the CooLifting Facial Treatment can improve skin texture. It helps to smooth out rough patches and even out the tone and texture of the skin.

  3. Quick and convenient: The treatment only takes about 4-5 minutes and has no downtime, so you can get back to your day without any interruptions. You can also resume your normal skin regimen the next day.

  4. Noticeable results: You'll notice an immediate improvement in the appearance of your skin after just one session. For optimal results, we recommend a series of treatments.

  5. Fights signs of aging: The CooLifting Facial Treatment is an effective anti-aging solution that can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots. Stimulating collagen production helps to restore the skin's natural elasticity and firmness.


What To Expect On CooLifting Facial Treatment

before and after coolifting treatment

In this section, we'll take a closer look at what to expect during the procedure’s process.

The Specialized Equipment Used

One of the key components of the CooLifting Treatment is the specialized equipment used. This device uses a combination of very low temperature and high pressure to infuse a powerful CO2 flow onto the skin's surface. The CO2 flow helps to increase blood flow and oxygenation, which can promote collagen and elastin formation.

The Duration of the Treatment

The CooLifting Facial Treatment is a quick and efficient procedure that typically takes around 5 minutes to complete. This makes it a convenient option for those who want to fit in some skin rejuvenation during their lunch break or quick spa visit.

What to Expect During the Session

During the CooLifting Facial Treatment, a trained technician will use the specialized equipment to apply the CO2 flow onto your skin's surface. You may feel a slight cool sensation, but the procedure is generally painless. After the treatment, you can resume your normal activities immediately as there is no downtime or recovery time required.

Non-surgical Treatment

The CooLifting Facial Treatment is a non-surgical option for those who want to achieve healthier, more youthful-looking skin without any invasive procedures. This makes it an ideal choice for those who want to avoid the risks and recovery time associated with surgical options.

Overall, the CooLifting Facial Treatment is a safe and effective option for skin rejuvenation. Our team at SkinPlus MedSpa is dedicated to providing each patient with a personalized treatment plan to help them achieve their skincare goals. Contact us today to book a session and experience the benefits for yourself!


Who Can Benefit from CooLifting Facial Treatment?

At SkinPlus MedSpa, we believe that everyone can benefit from the CooLifting Facial Treatment. This non-surgical treatment is safe and suitable for all skin types, making it an ideal solution for anyone looking to rejuvenate their skin.

Whether you have mature skin that needs firming and tightening or an uneven tone that needs balancing, the CooLifting Facial Treatment can help you achieve your desired results. 

Additionally, if you're looking for a quick and effective way to refresh your skin before a big event, CooLifting can be the perfect choice.

Unlike traditional facelifts, this treatment doesn't require any downtime or recovery period. The procedure is fast and simple, and you can return to your daily activities right after the treatment.

If you're unsure whether CooLifting is right for you, our team of skincare experts can help you determine the best treatment plan based on your skin type and concerns. 

Take the First Step Towards Radiant, Glowing Skin

older woman glowing after coolifting facial treatment

At SkinPlus MedSpa, we are passionate about providing our clients with the best non-surgical treatments for skin rejuvenation. The CooLifting Facial Treatment is no exception. We believe that this cutting-edge treatment can provide numerous benefits to those looking to improve their skin's appearance.

By using advanced equipment and techniques, our team of experienced professionals can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin texture and firmness, and enhance overall skin appearance.c The best part? This treatment is suitable for all skin types.

If you're looking to achieve healthier, more youthful-looking skin, we encourage you to book your CooLifting Facial Treatment with us today. Our team is dedicated to providing personalized care and ensuring that you leave feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

To book your CooLifting Facial Treatment at SkinPlus MedSpa, simply contact our friendly team and we will be happy to assist you with scheduling an appointment.